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(en) Brazil, OSL: 8M from Brazil to Gaza: women's struggle and resistance is international (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Fri, 22 Mar 2024 09:39:17 +0200

All over the world, women have chosen the streets as the space to mark the memory, resistance and struggle symbolized on March 8. Faced with the intensification of social inequalities, the advance of the extreme right in several countries and attacks on rights already conquered, occupying the streets today remains an urgency to resist attacks, maintain achievements and advance social transformation. Whether in Brazilian outskirts and favelas, where black women fight daily against police violence and for the survival of themselves and their children and partners, or in villages, where indigenous women defend their lives and their territories; be it in Latin America, where Argentine women defend the achievement of the legalization of abortion and the social rights of the poorest population and Chileans fight for the maintenance of abortion (in cases provided for by law) in the Constituent Assembly; whether in the mountains of Mexico, where the Zapatistas maintain resistance in free Zapatista territory; whether in Gaza, where Palestine resists genocide and defends the liberation of the Palestinian people. They say enough is enough!


While the fortunes of the five richest men in the world have doubled in the last 4 years, around 5 billion people have become even more impoverished. Since 2020, the wealth of five Brazilian billionaires has increased by 51%, while 129 million Brazilians have become poorer, according to Oxfam. This poverty falls on the shoulders of women, since more than half of Brazilian households are headed by women - and, even where they are not heads, they play a fundamental role in the family economy, burdened with work that is often invisible, such as domestic chores and labor. care of children and the elderly.

An even more serious scenario is seen in neighboring countries, such as Argentina, which is suffering an acute economic crisis, where poverty has reached the highest level in 20 years. The recently installed government of Javier Milei signals the deepening of neoliberal policies on the continent. In addition to the economic measures that will fall on the working class, Milei's government intends to revoke the legalization of abortion in the country, achieved after a strong mobilization of Argentine women.

In Brazil, the broad-front government of Lula and Alckmin has proven the limits of class conciliation. The New Fiscal Rule links the budget to fiscal targets, which impacts public services, such as public policies to protect women. It is worth remembering that investments in these policies had already been reduced during the Bolsonaro government, and there is no prospect of improving this scenario, which leaves the situation of the poorest women vulnerable. According to Dieese, around 40% of working women receive up to the minimum wage (among black women, the rate reaches half), many of them without access to labor and social security rights and benefits.

In 2023, Law No. 1,085/2023 was approved, which deals with equal pay between men and women and remuneration criteria. The law only covers salaries, not remuneration as a whole. Furthermore, we reinforce that much of inequality will not be resolved by laws, but by systemic changes. Therefore, roles that are mostly performed by women continue to have lower salaries, as in the case of outsourced cleaning companies, domestic workers or sectors such as health and education.


Beyond the limits of institutional policies, the right and the extreme right have worked to promote ideas and projects that set back the rights of women, indigenous and LGBT people, and the working class as a whole. The dispute between Congress and the STF and the approval of the Marco Temporal demarcated the power of the right, at the same time that violence and misery persist in Yanomami territory. The crusade is also against the possibility of legalizing abortion, with a debate initiated in the STF, and attacks on reproductive rights already achieved, as recently happened in São Paulo, with the end of the legal abortion service in a municipal hospital that is a reference in the procedure. .

According to the 2023 Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, referring to data from 2022, all domestic violence indicators increased; femicides increased by 6.1% and attempted femicides increased by 16.9%; the country recorded the highest number of rapes in history, with an increase of 8.2%, with the victims being women, children and teenagers. Black women are the majority of victims. Brazil is one of the countries with the highest rate of violence against women and femicides in the world. For trans women, it is a frightening reality: according to data from the "Dossier: Murders and violence against Brazilian transvestites and transsexuals", by Antra, Brazil continues to be the country that has murdered the most trans people for the 14th consecutive year.

Police violence also profoundly affects the lives of women in peripheral regions. They are on the front line of reporting torture, arrests and even executions of their children and partners, as we have seen recently in communities in Baixada Santista, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and other outskirts of Brazil.

This entire scenario shows us that we urgently need a profound social transformation, which can change this reality from its roots - which no government is capable of doing. The work is hard, in the short, medium and long term, and involves strengthening organized women and the working class. It is this organization, built from below, guided by class independence and combativeness, that will respond to the setbacks and move us towards another possible world. The working class needs to increasingly absorb women's life urgencies and build strategies to overcome them, as these are demands that are at the heart of class struggles and depend on them. Therefore, it is a confrontation that must be built from the grassroots, in communities, in unions, in places of study, collectively.


This year, we celebrate 40 years since the end of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil. And we remember the many women who were tortured and murdered by the military. Above all, we bring the memory of their resistance and struggles to continue the path of combating the seeds of authoritarianism that supported the establishment of the military in power. And, if our struggle for the liberation of people and the construction of a new world is international, we also emphasize our duty to denounce the crimes of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, which has already murdered more than 8 thousand women and 13 thousand children Palestinians; Intensifying the fight against the Palestinian genocide is the duty of all revolutionary activists.

We continue to build women's struggles, for combative and popular movements, that strengthen organization and resistance from below against those above!

For the struggle, resistance and lives of women!

For the Social Revolution and Libertarian Socialism!

Libertarian Socialist Organization

March 8, 2024

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